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2011 Forum Videos

Water, Conflict, and Human Rights: Emerging Challenges and Solutions 2011

Wednesday, February 23

Opening Keynote Address:

The Global Water Crisis and the Coming Battle for the Right to Water
Maude Barlow: National Chairperson of the Council of Canadians (Canada's largest public advocacy organization), and founder of the Blue Planet Project, which works internationally for the right to water.

Thursday, February 24

Opening Panel: Water Demand: Population Growth, Economic Development and Energy

Moderator: Steven Burian, The University of Utah

Water Demand for the World's largest Water User
Zach Frankel, Founder and Executive Director, Utah Rivers Council

Risk, Perception, Precaution and the Climate-Water Nexus
Anya Plutynski, Associate Professor, Philosophy, The University of Utah

Water: Plan, Conserve, Develop and Protect
Dennis Strong, Director, Utah Division of Water Resources

Discussion with Q & A

Keynote: The Water Crisis, New Solutions, and the Role of the Human Right to Water

Peter Gleick: Co-founder and president of the Pacific Institute for Studies in Development, Environment, and Security in Oakland, California. His research and writing address the critical connections between water and human health, the hydrologic impacts of climate change, sustainable water use, privatization and globalization, and international conflicts over water resources.

Panel: Water Privatization: Inter-Basin Water Transfers, Democracy, and Human Rights

Struggles for Water Justice in Latin America: Alternatives to Privatization
Susan Spronk, Assistant Professor, School of International Development and Global Studies, University of Ottawa

Balancing the Gradient: Using Grassroots Organizing, Public Participation and Legal Strategies to Ensure that Interbasin Water Transfers Do Not Destroy Environmental and Cultural Rights to Water in the Rural West
Simeon Herskovits, Director and Chief Counsel, Advocates for Community and Environment

Constructing the 'Public' of Public Goods: The Role of Organizing Principles
LaDawn Haglud, Assistant Professor, Justice and Social Inquiry, Arizona State University

Discussion with Q & A

Friday, February 25

Panel: Water Quality, Ecosystems and their Restoration, Community Well-being and Public Health

Moderator: Ted Wilson, Utah Governor's Office

Clean Water and Communities: Rights and Responsibilities
Robert Adler, Professor, S. J. Quinney College of Law, The University of Utah

River Restoration in the U. S.
Daniel McCool, Professor and Director, Environmental Studies, University of Utah

Restoring clean water in wetlands and watersheds
Joy Zedler, Professor, Botany, University of Wisconsin

Protecting and Restoring Our Waters When It's Much Easier to Do Otherwise
Walter Baker, Director, Division of Water Quality, Utah Department of Environmental Quality

Discussion with Q & A


Panel: Water Conflict Case Studies: Stakeholder Mediation, Dialogue and Lessons Learned

Moderator: Deborah Callister, The University of Utah

Better Red Than Dead? Conflict or Cooperation in the Dead Sea Basin
Joseph Dellapenna, Professor of Law, Villanova University

Potential Effects of Reduced Groundwater from the Water Aquifer under the Goshute Indian Reservation
Madeline Greymountain, Member, Confederated Tribes of Goshute Reservations

What Would Elvis Say? Mississippi v. Memphis and the Curious Case of the Memphis Sand Aquifer
Michael Campana, Professor, Hydrogeology and Water Resources, Oregon State University

Discussion with Q & A

Conference Closing Remarks

Thomas Maloney: Director, The Barbara L. and Norman C. Tanner Center for Nonviolent Human Rights Advocacy, The University of Utah


Last Updated: 3/31/21